java apps
Custom software and productivity apps that fit your business needs.
We know that there are areas where low-code/bpm class solutions are impossible to implement or where they may not be the most optimal approach. This is often the case when developing existing systems based on microservices architecture. In such cases, it is often required to use traditional programming languages and frameworks.
JAVA applications provide users with reliability, cross-platform compatibility, and maximum security.

End to end projects
The full spectrum of specialists required for the successful implementation of a project (business analysts, PMs, testers, programmers, and architects of IT solutions). Within the iBPMS Pega platform, we provide a project team of specialists with skills confirmed by certificates and relevant project experience.

Team augumentation
Our employees can strengthen the teams existing on the customer side, and we can provide entire teams consisting of employees with various complementary qualifications. An exemplary team consists of a lead system developer (CLSA), a senior system developer (CSSA), a system developer (CSA), and a business analyst (CBA). Depending on the specifics of individual projects, we can work at the client’s premises, remotely or in a hybrid system, combining both styles of work.
Are you looking for an experienced team of java developers who will implement your solution comprehensively?
You’ve come to the right place!
Together, we will come up with solutions that will allow your company to undergo a digital transformation and develop more dynamically. As Clocklike Minds, we provide our clients with support in the field of JAVA technology.
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digital transformation
With Clocklike Minds, your company will be ready for the future in every aspect. Keep up with changes and customer expectations.

Low-code / bpm
Apps built quickly, easily, and efficiently. With Clocklike Minds, you will take full advantage of low-code technology.